A&G's Hot Links: The Wednesday March 3 Edition!


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during the A&G Show.

The Wednesday March 3 Edition.

Texas governor to end mask mandate, allow businesses reopen at full capacity


Governor rolls back COVID-19 restrictions in Mississippi


Newsom slams Texas for dropping mask mandate. ‘We’re a little more mindful and sober’


Newsom recall bankrolled by wealthy mega-donors, national Republicans - and retirees


California state auditor reveals embarrassing Newsom admin failures


Indoor dining, movies and museums reopening in S.F., Santa Clara and Napa counties as they move to red tier


LA teachers' union refuses to budge on school reopenings: 'Structural racism'


South LA parents say minorities want schools to reopen, disagree with UTLA president's remarks


Stimulus Package Could Mean $14,000 Windfall for Family of Four


Police officers' immunity from lawsuits is getting a fresh look


Domestic Terrorism Threat Is ‘Metastasizing’ in U.S., F.B.I. Director Says


National Guard Troops in D.C. Fed Contaminated Food as Democrats Continue Pointless Occupation


Boy Scouts propose more than $300 million, Norman Rockwell paintings to settle sex abuse claims


Empty Office Buildings Squeeze City Budgets as Property Values Fall


Smartphone addiction ruins sleep, study says, but you can fight back


Hearing loss will affect 1 in 4 people by 2050, WHO estimates


BBC apologizes for interview with fake Cory Booker


Dolly Parton, who helped fund the Moderna vaccine, gets a ‘dose of her own medicine.’


Steelers Hall of Famer Jack Lambert auctioning off teeth holder


Porn Played During Zoom Class At Florida High School


Sacha Baron Cohen quits Borat: ‘most dangerous project’ of his career

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