A&G's Hot Links: News & Views Used on Friday May 7, 2021


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.

News & Views Used on Friday May 7, 2021

Study: Residents left big metros during pandemic for family


Parents Are Reluctant to Get Their Children Vaccinated for Covid-19, Poll Shows


The Sun: Bald men are twice as likely to suffer severe Covid, experts warn


South Carolina may become the fourth state to allow executions by firing squad


Caitlyn Jenner's star rises as California gubernatorial recall heats up


Yang falls behind Adams for first time in New York mayor’s race poll


DC mayor bans dancing at weddings: ‘It’s insane’


The Venice boardwalk is now a huge homeless encampment.


35 Tons Of Human Waste, Needles Cleaned From Former Homeless Encampment At Echo Park


Why cyber criminals looking to steal personal info are using text messages as bait


Basecamp Employees Scream And Cry After Exec Says They Don’t Live In A ‘White Supremacist Culture’


If you want to own international stocks, invest in these three countries instead of China


New submarine threat: Top U.S. general says China pursuing Atlantic naval base


Scientists Create Record-Breaking Laser With Mind Blowing Power


Derek Chauvin, 3 former officers indicted on federal civil rights charges


Real estate agent allegedly wanted hitman to kill former mother-in-law


Rural America Gets Bad Vibrations From Big Wind


Pets: Grumpy dogs are better at learning skills from a stranger than their more friendly peers


TikTok user who matched with Matthew Perry on Raya at age 19 speaks out

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