Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.
News & Views on Tuesday February 8, 2022.
Canada, masked for whole game, wins after delay
Chinese Media Says “Pelosi is Right” to Tell Athletes Not to Discuss Genocide
Gawker Announces It Has Obtained Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s Social Security Number
Andrew Cuomo feels 'vindicated,' won't rule out another run for office
Muscogee dismayed by nearly naked statue of Georgia ancestor
Jon Coupal: California is the mad scientist of bad policy
Venice residents afraid fires at homeless encampment create unsafe area.
Biden’s first year in office saw 73 police officers killed — most deaths since 1995
U.S. trade deficit hit record in 2021
Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’
Study finds children have harder time recognizing masked faces than adults