ARMSTRONG & GETTY'S HOT LINKS! Tuesday November 7, 2023


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.

News & Views on Tuesday November 7, 2023.

Did a 2008 Rule Change Ruin Presidential Debates?


The cr*ppiest place on Earth! Disney theme parks have been hit by so many people POOPING in lines for rides that cleaners now have special code to alert them to human feces


For American stuck in Gaza, escape from war had a painful cost: Leaving family behind


Scientists reveal why time goes in slow-mo when staring death in the face


Teen’s mom sues McDonald’s following attack, says staff ‘did nothing to intervene’


Claimed Pages from Transgender Nashville Shooter Leaked: ‘Bunch of Little F*****s with Your White Privilege, F**k You’


Report: Barack Obama Contributed to Drafting of Joe Biden’s Executive Order on AI


Selling Their Souls: Hasbro Offered AI-Powered Virtual Ouija Board for Halloween


Top 50 Disasters Gov. Gavin Newsom Has Ushered into California


69-year-old Jewish man dies after altercation with pro-Palestinian protesters in California


California casino linked to tuberculosis cases, customers urged to get tested


Harvard has a secret back door for ultra-rich kids with lousy grades


Right turn on red? With pedestrian deaths rising, US cities are considering bans


Human Skull, On Sale for $4,000, Draws Attention to Florida Store


CDC adding flu, RSV surveillance at major US airports


In Regulating A.I., We May Be Doing Too Much. And Too Little.


Does Anyone Know How to Behave on the Subway Anymore?

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