ARMSTRONG & GETTY'S HOT LINKS! Tuesday January 16, 2024


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.

News & Views on Tuesday January 16, 2024.

Trump Wins Iowa. Now What?


DeSantis, Haley Spent $72M Combined in Iowa to Place Second, Third


Wrestling Legend Hulk Hogan Helps Rescue Woman After Car Accident


Los Angeles Police Department Wants to Give Badges and Guns to Illegal Aliens


Egypt shows us how it’s done; Mac daddy of a border wall draws raves on social media


White House victim of ‘swatting’ – fire trucks, EMS vehicles dispatched over fake 911 call


Ego over ethics? ESPN allegedly inserts ‘fake names’ to fraudulently award top talent with Emmys


Migrant center has New Yorkers ‘fuming’ over surge in crime, scams: ‘This sh*t is out of control’


The Internet Is Being Ruined by Bloated Junk


Texans Asked to Not Use Their Washing Machines as Weather Tests Grid


This was the average cost of an American home in the decade you were born


What is 'budget Ozempic?' Experts warn about TikTok's alarming DIY weight loss 'trick'


Is Night Mode a Myth? Study Unveils Truth About Screen Color and Sleep


Diabetes Is Fueling an Amputation Crisis for Men in San Antonio


Annoyed upstate NY man busted for allegedly spray-painting squirrels for getting into his yard


Federal monitor slams City Council’s move to ban solitary confinement, backs Adams


Gen Z has killed everything — but they’re saving one surprising tradition


Progressives shamelessly try to censor a meeting of moms who care about schools in NYC


Americans have lost faith in institutions because of the flip-flopping Faucis in power


The F.D.A. Warned an Asthma Drug Could Induce Despair. Many Were Never Told.


I’m a psychologist — here are 3 ways to tell if you’re a secret hoarder


More Teens Who Use Marijuana Are Suffering From Psychosis

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