ARMSTRONG & GETTY'S HOT LINKS! Thursday January 25, 2024


Headlines, data and drivel discussed during The A&G Show.

News & Views on Thursday January 25, 2024.

Want to save more money in 2024? Try these three strategies.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's statement on the Border Crisis...


Biden Admin Considers Backing Out of Syria in Face of Iranian Proxy Attacks: Report


‘Grotesque Christian supremacist sign’: Veterans Affairs supervisor ordered to remove ‘Not Today Satan’ plaque from desk


New school board brings back American Indian mascot after scalping by ‘woke’ leftists


Poll: Over Half of Democrats Support Aborting Babies with Down Syndrome


Boston, Chicago: Blue Cities Turning Major Airports into Migrant Shelters


iCar: Apple Plans to Release an Electric Vehicle in 2028


Sen. J.D. Vance Warns Colleagues: Weapons Sent to Ukraine Were Not Adequately Tracked


U.S. Asks China to Ask Iran to Ask Houthis to Stop Attacking Red Sea Shipping


More Ivy League Fakery: Top Harvard Cancer Researchers Accused of Scientific Fraud Affecting 37 Studies


Humans will soon be worshipping AI chatbots as gods, experts warn


Researchers at Anthropic taught AI chat bots how to lie, and they were way too good at it


Pennsylvania woman charged with torturing, killing animals for YouTube audience


States can't figure out how to execute inmates. Alabama is trying something new.


Do you flush with the lid open or closed? When it comes to germs, it might not matter.


Don't eat at Pizza Hut? Why the chain is facing a worldwide boycott


San Diego settles lawsuit challenging laws that punished people living in cars and RVs


Catastrophic storm in SD now suspected to have been deadly as damage assessments come in


DEI hires pushed onto the FBI are putting the country’s safety at risk for the sake of being ‘woke’

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